Want to Build Houses for Profit?

Scoring BIG with New Construction

Taking the mystery out of building is as easy as 1, 2, 3

Where do you start?

And let’s face it.  It’s looks a bit scary. 
It looks like flipping but it’s not the same.  It seems like a rehab but it’s not the same.  It looks like it should cost similar but it’s not the same.

New Construction... For Real Estate Investors​

Nearly every flipper knows about it.  Very few take it on.  
Not knowing what to do or how to do it can be scary.  And rightfully so!  The average mistake in new construction can easily cost you over $1000 if not thousands.  Let’s fix that.

But first...

Let’s establish a few basics that you can probably relate to:

We are real estate investors first.

We aren’t building to be builders.

We aren’t building because it is ‘cool’ or ‘fun’. (It’s hard work)

We aren’t building to ‘show off’ our ideas.

  • We build as an investment strategy that is profitable by providing value to our clients… a.k.a. our Buyers.  In other words, we do this to make money by providing value to others.  That’s it. 

So what better way to learn than to follow us step by step
through the build of a house?

We are documenting a new build from A-Z.  Start to finish.  Beginning to End.  How cool is that?


You will see the flow - the good and the challenges that arise (and there are always some).


You will see the nitty gritty and interviews with people as they share about different aspects of the project.


You will get familiar with terms you may or may not have heard and what they mean.


From A-Z, how the project goes so you’ll know what to expect.


Why did we create this?

For several years, we have been hearing the same questions again and again from investors. 
Interested in building but not sure what to expect. 
And let’s face it, contractors are as varied as the day from the night.  The right contractor can make everything go smoothly.  The wrong one can create a total nightmare.  Ignorance leads to a lack of decisiveness.  Which leads to you not taking action. 
Let’s stop that by getting you informed so you can take action today! 

So what will you get wit this project?

Follow us along with our build from A-Z. You will see the entire process from the big to the tiny. All in video.

A mega Q & A section full of common questions that come up over and over with detailed answers.

If you have a question about the content you’ll see inside, just let us know. We are here to help.

Library of documents. We will include sample contracts, checklists, budgets, scope of work examples and more.

How to know if an opportunity is a deal analysis.

Real life stories showing you how much money mistakes cost us. You’ll see how fast that number can get into the thousands. (It’s crazy!)

Guest interviews – Interviews with several colleagues will be added as we go. Lenders, Vendors, Contractors, Surveyors, Engineers and more!

You’ll be empowered. You’ll be confident. And you will know how to get the answers you need so you can make the right choice and turn your projects into a mega success.

Information is not something you will be lacking once you dive in.

Empowerment to do profitable new builds is one click away.

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At BuildOneHouse.com we believe that success is the result of hard work, education and persistence. Examples given should not be considered typical and there is never a guarantee of results. Information provided is educational in nature and is not legal or financial advice. By using this website or any related materials you agree to take full responsibility for your own results, or lack thereof. Our team is here to support you, but you should always do your own due diligence before making any investment or taking any risk. Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility.